About Shauna

Speaker, Coach, Coach Trainer, and Workshop Facilitator

I help motivated individuals get from where they are to where they want to be through speaking, coach training, and workshops. By helping them set and achieve ambitious goals, I encourage, inspire, and motivate those who feel stuck and lack direction to transform their lives. Together, we discover what they truly want, guided by their God-given potential, which drives their motivation and fuels their passion-driven pursuits. Through impactful workshops and training sessions grounded in faith and personal development, I guide people to achieve their dreams and live a life of profound meaning and fulfillment.


To see every Christian live a life of profound meaning and fulfillment, achieving their dreams and maximizing their potential through faith-based personal development and purpose-driven pursuits. By equipping Christians to become life coaches, we can ensure that every church has a dedicated guide to support and inspire its members. This will create a culture of growth, encouragement, and divine purpose, helping individuals navigate life’s challenges and fulfill their God-given potential.


My mission is to help you be, do, and have more through the power of faith. I believe that everyone has God-given potential to achieve greatness, and I am here to guide you on that journey. Through my faith-based workshops, I provide the tools, support, and inspiration you need to transform your dreams into reality. By empowering you with biblical principles and actionable strategies, I aim to help you unlock your divine potential and live a life of profound meaning and fulfillment, honoring God’s purpose for your life.

Why Work With Shauna

Working with Shauna means embarking on a journey of spiritual growth, equipping yourself with the Biblical knowledge and inspiration to turn your God-given dreams into reality and live a life of meaning and fulfillment.

Proven Strategies:

Shauna incorporates methods and techniques from the Bible ensuring you receive the most effective and time-tested personal development practices.

Transformational Workshops:

Shauna’s workshops are designed to be impactful, offering a comprehensive approach to help you set and achieve ambitious goals, providing you with the tools and strategies to make significant changes in your life.

Inspiration and Motivation:

Shauna excels at encouraging, inspiring, and motivating individuals who feel stuck and lack direction, helping you uncover your true desires and reignite your passion for life.

Personalized Guidance:

With Shauna’s guidance, you receive tailored support that addresses your unique challenges and aspirations, ensuring a personalized path to success.

Real-Life Experience:

Having overcome significant personal challenges, including a near-death experience and years of depression, Shauna brings genuine empathy and understanding to her coaching, making her relatable and effective.

Holistic Development:

Shauna’s approach to personal development encompasses not just goal setting and achievement but also discovering your true purpose, driving motivation, and fueling your passion-driven pursuits, leading to a more fulfilling and meaningful life.

Ongoing Support:

Beyond the workshops, Shauna offers ongoing coaching and support, ensuring you have the continuous guidance needed to stay on track and achieve your long-term goals.