
I'm Shauna

I've had somewhere around 32 jobs in my life and more businesses than I can count between my teen age years and adult life. 

I wasn't lazy, I was bored.

In 2009 I faced a near death experience that sent me into a shockwave of depression that lasted seven years. 

When I woke up in ICU the doctors told me I shouldn't be alive. That got me to wondering "Why did God save a wrench like me?" 

In 2020 I was laid off from a job I thought I would retire from. Then of-course the pandemic hit the following month. 

I knew then I had to find my purpose. That journey led me to where I am today.

God opens doors when you step out

Because I wasn't sure what my Calling was I took a lot of assessments, quizzes, and read a lot of books. Everything seemed to lead back to Coaching. 

So I found a Christian based coaching company, Life Breakthrough Academy, and I got certified to be a Biblical Life Coach.

Another door was opened

My first day of coach training I had this thought that I would be a Coach Trainer one day. Of course I immediately tossed that thought aside. "I am no teacher, I'm a coach!" I thought. And never thought about it again.... well not for two and half years anyway. 

In July of 2023, God said it was time and I became a Coach Trainer, training other Christians who want to be a Certified Christian Coach.  

The BIGGEST door of all was opened

As I continued to step out in Faith and move forward, trusting God, another door was opened in October of 2023. 

See, I have always dreamt of being a Motivational Speaker but I was always told "Not now" or "Get some money coming in first." 

No matter who I shared my vision with it never failed, I would become discouraged as fast as I was inspired. 

Then on October 6th I found myself on call with a lady by the name of Robyn who said she could help me. 

I started Christian Speakers Bootcamp five days later and graduated 10 weeks later. 

I now encourage, inspire, and motivate other Christians to step out in Faith and embrace their own Unique Calling