Episode 73: 4 Surprising False Teachings every Christian Should Be Aware of When Embracing God’s Calling
January 10, 2024
Are you aware of the false teachings surrounding us?
Have you fallen victim to one of the four?
What if instead, you could be aware of such teachings?
It’s possible. And it’s easier than you think!
In today’s episode, I share four false teachings that are showing up in a lot of places especially social media.
Whether you have already fallen victim to these or you are aware this episode will help you to be on point the next time the devil tries to seduce you.
What You’ll Learn In This Episode:
- The 4 false teachings and how to avoid them
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Full Episode Transcript:
4 surprising false teachings every Christian should be aware of when embracing God’s Calling
Today, I want to unravel four surprising false teachings that I believe every Christian should be aware of.
These teachings are lurking in our churches, jobs, businesses, and more, therefore it’s crucial to distinguish truth from deception.
The first one I want to discuss is the concept of manifesting, which has made its way into some Christian circles.
The idea is that we can use our thoughts and words to shape our reality. Sounds tempting, right?
I know it was for me. In 2013 when I was deep in my pillow of depression a friend loaned me a CD, I know, I just dated myself by saying CD. Any way a friend loaned me a CD titled the Ant and the Elephant.
It was actually really good and I listened to it over and over. It was about the subconscious mind and how our thoughts create our reality.
Which I do believe because Proverbs 23:7 says You Are What You Think –
After listening to the CD several times I became obsessed and wanted to know more about the subconscious mind and how it works.
Unfortunately, that innocent quest took me down a rabbit hole that led to the law of attraction.
A part of me knew the whole manifesting thing was wrong but another part of me wanted to dig just a little deeper.
Thankfully I eventually came to my senses and realized as believers, our trust should be in God’s sovereignty, not our ability to manipulate outcomes.
It’s crucial to understand that God is in control. The whole manifesting idea can shift our focus away from relying on His plans and timing, making us the center of our universe.
Proverbs 3:5 reminds us to trust in the Lord and not lean on our understanding. So, be cautious of teachings that push you to put yourself in God’s place.
The second false teaching is emotionalism – the belief that the intensity of our emotions determines the authenticity of our faith.
While emotions are a natural part of being human, relying solely on feelings can lead us down the wrong path.
Just recently I found myself trying to create a Facebook Group for my upcoming Unique Calling Mentorship. Even though I have no desire to be on social media I still attempted to go down that path.
It was like I was telling God “I don’t feel your way is best so let’s do it this way.” Truth be told, the moment I said “Okay God, my way isn’t working, let’s do it your way” things began to fall into place.
We need to anchor our faith in the unchanging truth of God’s Word, not in the fluctuating emotions of the moment.
Emotions can be deceptive, and your faith should stand firm, even when your feelings waver.
Now, let’s talk about “Meology,” a focus on self-centered interpretations of Scripture that prioritize personal desires over biblical truth.
I’ve actually never heard of this one until recently. But it made so much sense I had to include it.
In a culture that often puts individualism on a pedestal, it’s easy to reshape the Bible to fit our preferences.
We must approach the Bible with humility, recognizing that God’s Word stands above our own opinions.
Meology distorts the true message of Scripture and can lead us down a dangerous path of self-deception.
Lastly, let’s tackle the Prosperity Gospel – the belief that God rewards faithfulness with financial success and physical well-being.
While God does bless His children, this teaching distorts the biblical message by equating material wealth with spiritual maturity.
The Gospel is about salvation and relationship with God, not a guarantee of financial prosperity.
Jesus himself warned us about the dangers of prioritizing earthly wealth over our relationship with Him.
The whole Name It and Claim It prosperity reminds me a lot of the law of attraction which is basically manifesting. Which is nothing more than witchcraft.
It’s important to be vigilant against teachings that reduce the Gospel to a means of personal gain. Your focus should always be on the eternal, not just the temporal.
Let’s recap. We’ve explored four surprising false teachings – manifesting, emotionalism, meology, and the Prosperity Gospel.
As Christians, it’s crucial that we remain grounded in the unchanging truth of God’s Word and be discerning in the teachings we embrace especially when stepping out in faith and embracing God’s Calling.
Colossians 2:8, says “See to it that no one takes you captive through hollow and deceptive philosophy, which depends on human tradition and the elemental spiritual forces of this world rather than on Christ.”
As always I will leave you with something to think about: When you say I can’t figure it out… God is right there saying I will direct your steps.
Before you go, be sure to take the Quiz!
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